Social Media Options

  • Social Media Managed

    $100.00 Instalační poplatek
    • Full setup and management of social media services including posts, sharing of content, and content generation. This will include three social media outlets to cultivate conversions, lead generation, and create a prominent presence.
  • Social Media Marketing

    $100.00 Instalační poplatek
    • Campaigns and strategy to get your social media up and off the ground. With an evaluation of what is in place, we make a recommendation for future management and posting schedule.
  • Social Media Original Content Generation

    $100.00 USD Jednorázově
    • Custom branded original content for your social media outlets. You provide the schedule and specifications and we provide the content. This is on a per order basis. If you would like more try our custom monthly drop and receive 3 images per month.
  • Social Media Consultation and Setup

    $250.00 USD Jednorázově
    • Consultation on which Social Media outlets you would benefit from and initial setup of each with short general instruction on how each work to get you started.
  • Social Media Lite

    $100.00 Instalační poplatek
    • Social media management that is lighter than the fully managed service. Posting schedule and campaign are included on a smaller scale. Improvements and updates come with this package as well as initial setup if needed.